Welcome to St Aidan's Church

If you can, please give a little to help us in our Mission and Ministry :

Sunday Services 10.30 am
Baptisms 12-30 Sunday by arrangement
 Prayer Group Tuesday 12 Noon
 The Parish Church of St Aidan with Christ Church, Warwick Road, Carlisle, CA1 1LT
Phone: 01228 594416 www.staidanschurchcarlisle.org.uk
or find us on facebook: St Aidan’s church, Carlisle
email: aidan.warden21@gmail.com
Statement read by St Aidan's Churchwarden before the weekly Eucharist
Sunday July 21st 2024
"The Acting Bishop of Carlisle has appointed the Rev Canon Angela Whittaker, at present Priest in Charge of the Benefice of Natland, as Priest in Charge of the Benefice of Carlisle St Aidan with Christ Church and Priest in Charge of the Benefice of St Cuthbert with St Mary. 
This appointment is subject to the usual legal checks."


“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!“ Psalm 133 



At St Aidan's we work hard to maintain a safe environment for all. We are committed to implementing the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policies and good practice guidance. If you have any concerns or enquiries regarding safeguarding, please contact our safeguarding officer.

Parish Safeguarding Officer: David Hill
Email: aidan.warden21@gmail.com

The Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser is Joanna Van Lachterop. She can be contacted at safeguarding.adviser@carlislediocese.org.uk or 07458 016884.